Answer Keys

CS 330 - Management Information Systems

Understanding SQL JOINs Quiz

1. Multiple choice questions:

  • a. What does SQL stand for?
    • i. Structured Query Language
  • b. Is not a RDBMSs :
    • iv. SQL
  • c. What does SQL NOT do
    • iv. Predict Data

2. INNER JIONs return records that have matching values in both tables where LEFT JOINs return all records from the left table and matched records from the right.


Bonus points:

SELECT OrderDetails.OrderID, Products.SupplierID

FROM OrderDetails


ON OrderDetails.ProductID = Products.ProductID;

4. I would use a LEFT JOIN where the music singles table is on the left to display all the singles. If a single is not associated with an album the AlbumID column would be null. By showing my colleage the null items they would know if a lot of the songs are singles or from an album.

5. There are many possible answers

6. There are many possible answers